Recent Personal Injury and Criminal Cases Results

Aggravated Assault

Charges Reduced

Client FM was charged with assaulting a rival gang member and causing serious bodily harm. Before hiring our firm, client FM was offered a six-year prison plea deal. We exposed the state’s legal issues, provided mitigating factors, and reduced all charges resulting in a 3-year probation no jail plea.

Drive-by Shooting

All Charges Dismissed

Client EY was charged with drive-by shooting. Our firm maintained our client EY’s innocence and presented strong defenses to all pending charges against client EY. All charges were dismissed prior to the trial date.

Sexual Assault/Rape

All Charges Dismissed

Client JA was charged with sexual penetration without consent. After eleven months of working closely with client JA, we were able to secure a reduction of charges from a felony rape charge to an assault misdemeanor. Client JA completed classes ordered by the court and all charges were then dismissed.

Aggravated Assault

All Charges Dismissed

Client AW was charged with assaulting his partner resulting in her losing her front teeth. Client AW retained services from us within two hours of being arrested. Our firm was able to get client AW out of jail within hours and began representing him. After a lengthy pretrial lasting almost a year, we were able to get client AWs charges completely dismissed.

DUI/DWI & Probation Violation

Charges Reduced/No Jail Time

Client TV was charged with DUI/DWI and then was subsequently charged with a probation violation. She was on probation from a different conviction the firm did not represent her on. We were able to suppress the majority of the evidence the State was using in the DUI/DWI case against client TV and the case was reduced to reckless driving. Client TV was also reinstated onto probation with no jail time.

Felony DUI

No Jail Time

Client JV was charged with felony DUI. Client JV had another lawyer who told him the plea deal offered was “the best it was going to get”. Client JV decided to hire our firm to try to obtain a better resolution. Although the case was mishandled from the start, we were able to get on board and save client JV from a 1-year jail sentence.

Car Accident / Bodily Injury

Received Maximum Settlement

Client DL was injured when a negligent driver struck her vehicle while she was at a stop light. Client DL was not at fault but had trouble proving this. Client DL retained our services and upon completion of her case, our firm secured the maximum amount allowed by the negligent driver’s policy.

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Raymon Law Group isn’t just another Law Firm. We offer a Free Strategy Session and Case Review. And you won’t owe us anything unless we Win you a Settlement.

Call (505) 390-1040 to learn more today. At Raymon Law Group, we never Stop Fighting for Our Clients.

Albuquerque Lawyer Disclaimer: The legal information offered herein by Raymon Law Group, is not formal legal advice, nor is it the formation of an attorney client relationship. In order for our firm to be considered your attorney there must be a signed agreement between the client and the firm. Any results set forth herein are based solely upon the circumstances of that particular case and offer no promise or guarantee on the outcome of any other case. Please contact a lawyer for a consultation.

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