Raymon Law Group- Personal Injury Attorneys in New Mexico

Proving Negligence in a Daycare Injury Case

If you need legal assistance concerning Daycare Related Child Injury Cases, don’t hesitate to contact Raymon Law Group at (505) 390-1040, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Proving Negligence in a Daycare Injury Case
When we entrust our children to a daycare, we expect them to be safe and well cared for. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and sometimes these accidents are due to negligence on the part of the daycare staff or facility. When a child is injured in such a setting, it can be a distressing and overwhelming experience for parents. Understanding your rights and knowing the legal steps involved in suing a daycare for child injury is essential for seeking justice and ensuring the safety of all children.
If you need legal assistance concerning daycare-related child injury cases, don’t hesitate to contact Raymon Law Group at (505) 390-1040, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our dedicated team is here to support you through challenging situations, ensuring that your rights and interests are skillfully advocated for and protected.

Understanding Daycare Liability

When considering legal action against a daycare, it’s important to understand the concept of liability. Daycares have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment for children. This includes supervising children adequately, maintaining the facility properly, and following state regulations. When a daycare fails to meet these obligations, they can be held liable for any resulting injuries.

Common Causes of Child Injuries in Daycares

Injuries in daycares can result from a variety of factors. Some common causes include:

Lack of supervision: One of the most significant responsibilities of daycare staff is to supervise children at all times. Inadequate supervision can lead to accidents such as falls, drowning, or interaction with dangerous objects.

Unsafe facilities: Daycares must maintain their facilities in a safe condition. This includes ensuring that playground equipment is in good repair, that electrical outlets are covered, and that there are no hazardous materials within reach of children.

Inadequate staff training: Daycare workers should be trained in child safety, first aid, and emergency procedures. Lack of training can lead to improper handling of situations that result in injury.

Negligence in health and hygiene practices: Poor hygiene practices can lead to the spread of infectious diseases, while improper food handling can result in foodborne illnesses.

Proving Negligence in a Daycare Injury Case

Proving Negligence is a critical part of any personal injury lawsuit, including cases involving daycare injuries. In legal terms, negligence occurs when a person or entity fails to act with the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under similar circumstances. In the context of daycare injury cases, you, as the plaintiff, must demonstrate that the daycare’s actions (or lack thereof) directly led to your child’s injury. To do this, you must establish four key elements: duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages.

Duty of Care

The first step in proving negligence is to establish that the daycare owed your child a duty of care. In general, daycares have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment for the children under their supervision. This duty includes several responsibilities:

Supervision: The daycare staff must actively supervise children at all times to prevent accidents and injuries. This involves monitoring children during playtime, meal times, nap times, and other activities.

Safe Environment: The daycare is responsible for maintaining a safe and hazard-free environment. This includes ensuring that playground equipment is in good condition, electrical outlets are covered, toxic substances are out of reach, and the facility is clean and well-maintained.

Adequate Staffing: The daycare must have a sufficient number of qualified staff members to care for the number of children enrolled. They must also ensure that all staff members are properly trained in childcare, safety procedures, and emergency response.

Health and Hygiene: The daycare must follow strict health and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of illnesses. This includes proper food handling, regular cleaning, and adherence to state and local health regulations.

In a daycare injury case, the plaintiff must show that the daycare had a duty to protect their child from harm and that this duty was a recognized part of the daycare’s responsibilities.

Breach of Duty

Once the duty of care is established, the next step is to prove that the daycare breached this duty. A breach of duty occurs when the daycare fails to meet the standard of care required by law or expected under the circumstances. There are several ways a daycare might breach its duty of care:

Inadequate Supervision: If a child is injured because they were left unsupervised or not properly monitored, this could be considered a breach of duty. For example, if a child drowns in a pool because the staff were not watching, the daycare has breached its duty of care.

Unsafe Conditions: If the daycare fails to maintain safe premises and a child is injured as a result, this constitutes a breach. For instance, if playground equipment is broken and a child is hurt while using it, the daycare may be held liable.

Improper Training: A breach of duty can also occur if daycare staff are not adequately trained to handle emergencies or manage children’s behavior. For example, if a staff member uses inappropriate physical force to discipline a child, leading to injury, this is a clear breach of duty.

Failure to Follow Regulations: If the daycare does not comply with state or local regulations regarding child safety, health, or staffing, and this non-compliance results in injury, the daycare may be found to have breached its duty of care.

In proving a breach of duty, the plaintiff must show that the daycare’s actions (or inaction) were not consistent with what a reasonable daycare would have done in similar circumstances.


The third element in proving negligence is causation. This means showing a direct link between the daycare’s breach of duty and your child’s injury. In other words, you must prove that the injury would not have occurred if the daycare had not breached its duty of care.

Causation is often broken down into two components:

Actual Cause (Cause in Fact): This is the direct cause of the injury. For instance, if a child is injured because they were left alone on a playground and fell off a piece of equipment, the daycare’s failure to supervise is the actual cause of the injury.

Proximate Cause (Legal Cause): This concept relates to whether the injury was a foreseeable result of the daycare’s actions. For example, if a daycare leaves cleaning supplies in an area accessible to children and a child is poisoned, it is foreseeable that leaving toxic substances within reach could result in harm.

Causation can sometimes be the most challenging element to prove, especially if the daycare argues that the injury was due to an unrelated or unforeseeable event. To strengthen the case, the plaintiff may rely on expert testimony from professionals in child care, safety, or medicine, who can explain how the daycare’s breach directly caused the injury.


Finally, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the child suffered damages as a result of the daycare’s negligence. Damages refer to the losses or harm experienced because of the injury. In a daycare injury case, damages can include:

Medical Expenses: The cost of any medical treatment required for the child’s injuries, including emergency care, hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy, and any future medical needs.

Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress the child has experienced due to the injury. This can be difficult to quantify but is an essential part of the claim.

Long-Term Care: If the injury leads to a long-term disability or requires ongoing care, the cost of this care may be included in the damages.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life: If the injury significantly affects the child’s ability to enjoy life as they did before the incident, this loss can be considered in calculating damages.

In some cases, the parents may also be entitled to compensation for lost wages if they had to take time off work to care for their injured child. Additionally, in situations where the daycare’s conduct was particularly egregious, the court may award punitive damages as a way to punish the daycare and deter similar behavior in the future.

Building a Strong Case

Proving negligence in a daycare injury case requires a thorough understanding of the law and a meticulous approach to gathering and presenting evidence. Every piece of evidence, from medical records to witness statements, plays a crucial role in establishing the daycare’s liability. An experienced attorney can help navigate these complexities, ensuring that all elements of negligence are effectively demonstrated to secure the compensation your child deserves.

For parents facing this challenging situation, consulting with a knowledgeable attorney, such as those at Raymon Law Group, can be the key to successfully holding a negligent daycare accountable and protecting the well-being of your child.

Contact Personal Injury Attorney near you

Suing a daycare for child injury is a serious and complex process. The safety and well-being of your child are paramount, and holding a negligent daycare accountable is crucial for both your child’s recovery and the prevention of future incidents. By understanding the legal steps involved and working with an experienced attorney, you can ensure that your child’s rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

If your child has been injured at a daycare and you need legal assistance, Raymon Law Group is here to help. Our office, conveniently located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is dedicated to providing compassionate and expert legal support. 

Contact us at (505) 390-1040 to schedule a consultation. Let us advocate for your child’s rights and work tirelessly to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I sue a daycare if my child was injured but is now fully recovered?

Yes, you can still sue a daycare even if your child has fully recovered. The fact that your child was injured due to the daycare’s negligence is the basis for the lawsuit. You may still be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

How long does it take to resolve a daycare injury lawsuit?

The timeline for resolving a daycare injury lawsuit can vary depending on the complexity of the case, whether a settlement is reached, and if the case goes to trial. Some cases may be resolved in a few months, while others can take several years.

What if the daycare denies responsibility for my child’s injury?

If the daycare denies responsibility, your attorney will work to gather evidence that proves negligence. This may include witness statements, medical records, and expert testimony. If necessary, your case will proceed to trial, where the evidence will be presented to a judge or jury.

Is there a statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against a daycare in New Mexico?

Yes, there is a statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit in New Mexico. In most cases, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. However, it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that all deadlines are met.

What should I do if I suspect my child was abused at daycare?

If you suspect that your child was abused at daycare, it is crucial to take immediate action. Contact the authorities and seek medical attention for your child. Then, consult with an attorney who specializes in child injury and abuse cases. They can help you understand your legal options and pursue justice for your child.

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