New Mexico Car Accident Statistics

New Mexico Car Accident Statistics says in 2019 there were 129,750 total motor vehicle crashes in the state. Over 900 of these were fatal.
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New Mexico Car Accident Statistics

In 2019 there were 129,750 total motor vehicle crashes in the state. Over 900 of these were fatal. The number of total vehicle accidents in the state rose from 2018 by 2694. The total number of fatalities from motor vehicle accidents in New Mexico was 982, slightly down from 2018’s total of 1010. Here, we will examine the most recent motor vehicle accident statistics for the state of New Mexico.

Overview of New Mexico Car Accident Statistics for 2019

In 2019 in New Mexico, about 2.69 people died each day due to motor vehicle accidents. This amounts to one person being killed every 8 hours and 56 minutes. Additionally, 147 people were injured each day due to motor vehicle accidents.
Motor vehicle crashes killed 32 children aged 14 and younger in 2019 in New Mexico. Over 3100 children age 14 and younger were injured.
In total, motor vehicle accidents cost New Mexico $18,442 billion in economic loss in 2019.

Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents in New Mexico in 2019

Alcohol-related crashes accounted for 3.78 percent of all crashes, and a whopping 25.69 percent of all fatal crashes. When it comes to all alcohol-related crashes, 84.63 percent of them occurred in urban areas of New Mexico, and 15.37 percent of them happened in rural areas. If we examine just the alcohol-related fatal crashes, 62.39 percent of them occurred in urban areas, and 37.61 happened in rural areas.

Of all alcohol-related crashes in New Mexico in 2019, 72.34 percent were male-driven, and 27.22 percent were female-driven. (By way of comparison, in total crashes in New Mexico that year, 53.62 percent of them had male drivers). The predominant age group for drivers involved in alcohol-related crashes in New Mexico in 2019 was 25 to 34, accounting for 31.03 percent of all alcohol-related crashes that year. The predominant age group for persons killed in alcohol-related crashes in 2019 was 35 to 44. For persons injured in these crashes, the most common age group was 25 to 34.

When it comes to counties in New Mexico, Maricopa had the most alcohol-related crashes of any county in the state, at 3224. The fewest number of alcohol-related crashes occurred in Greenlee County, with just eight of them.

Alcohol-related crashes in New Mexico tended to peak on Saturdays. The month in which the most alcohol-related crashes occurred in the state was March.

Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist Accidents in New Mexico in 2019

Of the total number of motor vehicle crashes in New Mexico in 2019, 1.42 percent were pedestrian crashes. 11.78 percent of these pedestrian crashes were fatal, and a whopping 88.22 percent of them involved injuries. Almost 1700 pedestrians were injured in crashes in New Mexico in 2019.

The majority of pedestrians killed and injured in crashes in New Mexico that year were ages 55 to 64 and male. The most common action in which pedestrians were participating at the time of crashes, both those that were fatal and those causing injuries, was simply crossing the road. Over 66 percent of pedestrians involved in crashes were under no apparent influence of either drugs or alcohol.

Pedalcycle crashes in New Mexico that year accounted for 0.98 percent of all crashes. 2.35 percent of these were fatal, and an astounding 97.65 percent of pedalcyclist crashes caused injuries. Over 1200 pedalcyclists were injured in crashes in New Mexico in 2019.

When it comes to pedalcyclists killed in crashes in New Mexico in 2019, the majority were men, aged 45 to 54 and 65 to 74. Of those injured, most were between the ages of 25 and 34 and male.

Motorcycle Crashes in New Mexico in 2019

A full 2.06 percent of all vehicle crashes in New Mexico in 2019 involved motorcycles. 6.39 percent of these were fatal, and 78.66 involved injuries. The most common age for motorcycle operators involved in crashes was 25 to 34, and over 83 percent of these drivers were under no apparent influence of alcohol or drugs.


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